
Afterword: We shape our systems, then they shape us!

with Steve Chalke's guest and expert witness

Dr Tony Campolo

Steve talks with sociologist and Baptist preacher Dr Tony Campolo. In part one Steve reflects on the conclusion to his book, in part two Dr Tony responds.

As a society we have chosen to be reactive, rather than proactive, in our political decision and policy making. We choose to throw our votes and our money at slogan-driven big ideas, and then wonder why we suffer the longer-term impact of these short-term fixes. The problem is that quick-fix, sticking plaster ideas make for poor long-term solutions, but sensible long-term policy making tends not to excite either our politicians or the public.

The problem is circular. We hold our politicians accountable for the outcomes of their huge and unattainable ‘vote winning’ election promises – which they make either out of their naivety or because they are smart enough to understand our naivety. But what we all know is that, though they are likely to get credit for policies that get turned into legislation, in the event of eventual failure the likelihood is that they will have moved on or moved out by then, and it will all become someone else’s problem. This, of course, leads to pushing through unthought-out policies as quickly as possible; rather than getting involved in the complicated, protracted and frustrating details of how things might actually work, or not, in practice. And what’s more there are countless well-meaning but ineffective non-governmental organisations who, because their very existence hangs on their undying support for the latest half-baked, politically driven idea, simply go along with it for the cash.

It is time to work together to put an end to this ‘political-cycle-is-all-that-matters’ thinking and the short-term, gimmicky policy making and financial wastage that goes with it. But this will require something new of the government, and something new of us all.

People ask me, ‘Have you ever thought of going into politics?’ By which they mean, ‘Do you want to become a local councillor, an MP, or perhaps join the House of Lords?’ Well, here’s the thing. I am in politics. Because we are all in politics. The term ‘politics’ comes from the word ‘polis’, which simply means the city. Thus, politics refers to the affairs of the city: the affairs of the community. We all have an important, grassroots-level role to play in the affairs of both our local communities and our society as a whole.

We need a mindset change – a new set of lenses – a new social covenant to empower ordinary people and local communities across the country. It will take courage from us all, but it’s time to commit to developing more mature and meaningful relationships between government, local authorities, and local charities, grassroots movements, faith groups and communities, built around trust and partnership.

Everything we know tells us that only this can transform the life chances of countless young people, families, and local communities. Nothing else will work, however much money we can find to put in the budget. That is the basis for my manifesto for hope!

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Afterword: Steve talks with sociologist and Baptist preacher Dr Tony Campolo. In part one Steve reflects on the conclusion to his book, in part two Dr Tony responds.

“This is my conversation with my guest and expert witness Dr. Tony Campolo. Tony is a Professor Emeritus of Eastern University, a sociologist, a theologian, and an extraordinary communicator. We talked together about the afterword of my book: ‘We shape our systems, then they shape us’. I so love talking with Tony because it's absolutely true that I've learned more from Tony about sociology, theology, and about communication, than from any other person on Earth. Tony has been my friend for 40 or more years and why he chose to befriend me I haven't got a clue, but the benefit is all mine. I'm sure you'll enjoy his” – Steve Chalke

Dr Tony Campolo

Dr Tony Campolo is an American sociologist, Baptist pastor, author, public speaker and former spiritual advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton.

About this podcast series

This podcast series, and the accompanying book by Steve Chalke sets out ten tried and tested practical principles for ‘how’ to develop joined up, cost effective, community empowering work, gleaned from the hard-won experience that sit at the heart of the mission of Oasis over the last four decades. Steve talks to 13 expert witnesses who help him bring his book to life with their own thoughts and lived experiences. We believe it’s time for a radical reset. It's time for A Manifesto for Hope!

Steve’s book is available wherever you buy your books but we recommend you buy it from Bookshop.org an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops.This book is also available on Audible.

The Manifesto of Hope podcast is brought to you by Oasis. Our producer is Peter Kerwood and the sound and mix engineer is Matteo Magariello.

The Manifesto for Hope

If we are going to build and fund an integrated and holistic system of care for children, young people and their families; one which is aligned and attuned to the real needs of those it seeks to serve, we have to reimagine society together.

We therefore call on central government to establish a new social covenant that:

  1. Replaces the ‘political-cycle-is-all-that-matters’ short-term-policy-making approach and the financial wastage that accompanies it, with a cross-party written commitment to an agreed set of core principles, to be honoured over a twenty-year period, in order to reimagine and rebuild our expensive, but suboptimal systems.
  2. Creates a new generation of visionary ‘cross-system’ government leaders and officers, responsible for delivering innovative, joined-up systems with a specific focus across education, social care, healthcare and mental health, housing, policing and justice, in order to connect the policies and practices that are supposed to protect and nurture every child and young person.
  3. Builds a deepened level of trust between government, local authorities, funders, private and voluntary agencies, and local neighbourhoods by establishing a model of collaboration and mutual accountability around our vital community-building services, designed to empower ordinary people and whole communities.
  4. Acknowledges the central role of the voluntary sector – local charities, grassroots movements and faith groups – in a more imaginative, more collaborative, less bureaucratic, more transparent and mutually accountable approach to community development.
  5. Designs services ‘with’ local people rather than ‘for’ them, by listening hard to the people they are seeking to serve, thus enabling individuals and whole communities to become change makers and take responsibility for their own lives and neighbourhoods.
  6. Realigns funding priorities to create a new focus on longer-term partnerships, with more core funding, and avoids the negative competition for resources by local organisations, which by its very nature has eroded trust, created confusion, wasted time and resources, and fails to deliver the desired outcomes.
  7. Reimagines the anchor role education plays in order to end the culture of exclusion from our schools, and develops a greater focus on the issue of childhood adversity, the nurture and support for vulnerable children and the extension of special educational needs support, to enable every child to succeed.
  8. Facilitates and invests in the essential but neglected role of an effective youth service, to work in tandem with schools, in a relationship of mutual respect, in order to create more holistic care for all young people.
  9. Recognises the urgent need for education, social care, healthcare, housing, policing and justice policy and practice, to catch up with our twenty-first century neurological and psychological understanding of child and adolescent development.
  10. Promotes a national conversation around the recognition that external transformation is never enough and that the impact of poverty, disadvantage and exclusion, can only be addressed in a deep and sustainable manner when, ‘the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development’, as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, is vigorously pursued.
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